
I have previously written about resources to learn Django. The web is an awesome place to learn anything new and I today I am sharing a few more resources to help you learn Django. So here goes!

Free Resources

1. A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Django

It is a series of well explained tutorials written by Vitor Freitas of Simple is better than complex. As the name suggests it is targeted towards complete beginners.

2. Django Girls Tutorial

This is another beginner friendly resource. This tutorial is written not only for beginners to Django but beginners to we development in general. An excellent resources if you are still learning about how the web works.

3. Django Tutorial for Beginners by Thenewboston

A Youtube playlist by the wonderful channel The New Boston.

4. Django Web Development

It is also a Youtube playlist where Sentdex take you through building a complete webapp from bottom up using Django and deploying it.

5. Django ORM Cookbook

Django ORM Cookbook is a book about doing things with Django ORM and Django models. Django is a “MTV” (Model-Template-View) framework – This book provides a deep dive into the M part. It has about 50 questions of the form ‘How to do X with Django ORM/Queryset/Models’

1. Tango With Django

The book provides a hands-on guide to designing and building web applications, explaining how all the technology fits together as you build a web app and then deploying the application on PythonAnywhere.

2. Two Scoops of Django

This book introduces you to various tips, tricks, patterns, code snippets and techniques for Django best practices.