
Recently I have been focusing on learning Django. Django is a web development framework for Python. There are many benefits of using Django. It is a very high level framework which means it is quite easy to learn. You get lots of functionality out of box which means it is ideal when you want to make something good real quick.

Below I am sharing the best resources I have come across so far in learning Django. All of these resources are beginner friendly yet they take you through some advance level stuff as well.

Free Resources

1. Django Crash Course by Traversy Media

I like Traversy Media’s videos as I learn the best by example. Seeing him code and make a project from scratch explains the concept better than theory alone. In this video Brad makes a simple blogging web app (blogging apps are Hello World of web frameworks I think :) ) This is not a full featured tutorial, rather a quick overview.

2. Python Django Tutorial by Corey Schafer

This is another tutorial to make a basic blogging app using Django. But this one goes into a lot more detail. Corey Schafer is an excellent YouTube teacher and I have leraned a lot from his Python tutorials. So do check this playlist out.

3. MDN Django Tutorial

Mozilla Developers' Network has a hands-on tutorial for Django where you read the easy to follow tutorial and make your own Local Library website, an online catalog for a small local library, where users can browse available books and manage their accounts. After you follow the tutorial till the end try making another website like this with some variations and see if you can figure it out.

4. Build a Personal Website with Python

It is a Youtube playlist where they take you through building a complete personal website from bottom up using Django and deploying it on Heroku.

5. Try Django

Coding Entrepreneurs have some very good tutorials and courses on lots of different topics. Their Try Django series is a very thorough and detailed Django tutorial for beginners. They also have other paid resources for advance level Django. (See paid resources below)

6. Build a Video Subscription Website with Django

Learn to build a basic video subscription website with Django and Stripe payments.

1. Tweetme

From the creators of famous Try Django series. This Udemy course teaches you to make a real service like Twitter with Bootstrap integration.

2. Django by Example

A very thorough book on web development with Django. Learn Django by building four fully-functional, real-world web applications from scratch using the best coding practices. It also teaches you to integrate other technologies into your application with lots of example code. If you prefer videos to books, the author also teaches this book in a Udemy course.

3. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

This is one of the best selling courses on Udemy and although I haven’t used this course personally I have heard good reviews of it.

Other Resources

1. Django Subreddit

2. Deploying Django app on Amazon EC2